static String | printSet (Set<?> set) |
static String | printSet (Set<?> set, boolean emphasizeString, boolean printType) |
static String | convertToDescriptor (String type) |
static boolean | isPrimitive (String type) |
static String | convertMethodSignature (String nameAndArgs, String returnType) |
static String | convertQualifiedName (String name, String className) |
static String | convertQualifiedName (String name, String className, boolean retainClassName) |
static boolean | isJavaComment (String line) |
static boolean | isJavaCode (String line) |
static String | trimJavaCodeLine (String codeLine) |
static Main.Command | matchPrefix (String prefix) |
static byte[] | toBytes (List< String > lines) |
static URL | toURL (String path) |
static String | extractClassName (String filePath, String topLevelPrefix) |
static String | buildMethodSignature (MethodInsnNode minsn, BasicValue[] args) |
static String | substringBetween (String str, char c1, char c2) |
static String | toWrapperType (String type) |
static String | resolvePath (String path) |
static String[] | splitArgDesc (String desc) |
static String | joinArgDesc (List< String > descList) |
static String | getDatabasePrepatchSrcPath (Vulnerability vuln) |
static String | getDatabasePostpatchSrcPath (Vulnerability vuln) |
static String | getDatabasePrepatchClassPath (Vulnerability vuln) |
static String | getDatabasePostpatchClassPath (Vulnerability vuln) |
static String[] | getThirdPartySrcDirsFromPrepatch (Vulnerability vuln) |
static String[] | getThirdPartyLibDirsFromPrepatch (Vulnerability vuln) |
static int | extractDatabaseId (String name) |
static String | getJavaSrcTopLevelDir (VulnerabilityInfo info) |
static String | buildNewStringArrayCode (String[] arr) |
static String | getThirdPartySrcDirsString (VulnerabilityInfo info) |
static String | getClassPathToLoad (Vulnerability vuln) |
static String | getThirdPartyLibDirsString (VulnerabilityInfo info) |
◆ buildMethodSignature()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.buildMethodSignature |
( |
MethodInsnNode | minsn, |
BasicValue[] | args ) |
static |
Builds a method signature based on the given MethodInsnNode and arguments.
This method extracts the return type from the MethodInsnNode and concatenates it with the descriptors of the argument types from the BasicValue array to form the method signature.
- Parameters
minsn | the MethodInsnNode representing the method |
args | an array of BasicValue representing the argument types |
- Returns
- the method signature as a String
◆ buildNewStringArrayCode()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.buildNewStringArrayCode |
( |
String[] | arr | ) |
static |
This method takes an array of Strings and builds a new String representation of the array in code format. If the input array is null or empty, it returns "new String[0]". Otherwise, it constructs a code snippet representing the input array in the format "new String[] {"element1", "element2", ...}".
- Parameters
arr | the input array of Strings |
- Returns
- a String representing the input array in code format
◆ convertMethodSignature()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.convertMethodSignature |
( |
String | nameAndArgs, |
String | returnType ) |
static |
Converts a method signature from a human-readable format to a JVM descriptor format.
- Parameters
nameAndArgs | the method name and arguments in human-readable format |
returnType | the return type of the method in human-readable format |
- Returns
- the method signature in JVM descriptor format
◆ convertQualifiedName() [1/2]
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.convertQualifiedName |
( |
String | name, |
String | className ) |
static |
Converts the given name to a qualified name by appending the class name to it.
- Parameters
name | the name to convert |
className | the class name to append |
- Returns
- the qualified name with the class name appended
◆ convertQualifiedName() [2/2]
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.convertQualifiedName |
( |
String | name, |
String | className, |
boolean | retainClassName ) |
static |
Converts a qualified name by separating the class name and the method name. If the class name matches the specified className or is a primitive type, and retainClassName is false, it returns only the method name. Otherwise, it returns the qualified name with the class name converted to bytecode format.
- Parameters
name | the qualified name to convert |
className | the class name to compare with |
retainClassName | whether to retain the class name in the output |
- Returns
- the converted qualified name
◆ convertToDescriptor()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.convertToDescriptor |
( |
String | type | ) |
static |
Converts a given type name to its corresponding descriptor as per the JVM specification. The descriptor is used in bytecode representation of Java classes.
- Parameters
type | the type name to convert |
- Returns
- the descriptor corresponding to the given type name
◆ extractClassName()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.extractClassName |
( |
String | filePath, |
String | topLevelPrefix ) |
static |
Extracts the class name from a file path based on a specified top level prefix.
- Parameters
filePath | the file path from which to extract the class name |
topLevelPrefix | the top level prefix to remove from the file path |
- Returns
- the extracted class name with '/' replaced by '.'
◆ extractDatabaseId()
static int ppt4j.util.StringUtils.extractDatabaseId |
( |
String | name | ) |
static |
Extracts the database ID from the provided database name in the format VUL4J-d. The method parses the input string to check if it matches the pattern VUL4J-d, where d is a numerical value. If the input matches the pattern, it extracts the numerical value and returns it as an integer. If the input does not match the expected pattern, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
- Parameters
name | the database name in the format VUL4J-d |
- Returns
- the extracted database ID as an integer
- Exceptions
IllegalStateException | if the input string does not match the expected pattern |
◆ getClassPathToLoad()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getClassPathToLoad |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
Constructs the classpath needed to load the necessary resources for a given vulnerability. The classpath includes the base CLASSPATH, the database prepatch class path, the database postpatch class path, and the third party library directories from the prepatch.
- Parameters
vuln | the vulnerability for which the classpath is being generated |
- Returns
- the classpath as a string
◆ getDatabasePostpatchClassPath()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getDatabasePostpatchClassPath |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
Constructs a database postpatch class path for a given vulnerability by combining the root directory of the database, the postpatch name, the vulnerability's database ID, and the top-level directory of the vulnerability's classes.
- Parameters
vuln | the Vulnerability object for which the database postpatch class path is being generated |
- Returns
- the database postpatch class path for the given vulnerability
◆ getDatabasePostpatchSrcPath()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getDatabasePostpatchSrcPath |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
Returns the source path for the postpatch of a vulnerability in the database. The source path is constructed using the database root, postpatch name, vulnerability id, and the top level directory of the Java source file related to the vulnerability.
- Parameters
- Returns
- the source path for the postpatch of the vulnerability
◆ getDatabasePrepatchClassPath()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getDatabasePrepatchClassPath |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
This method constructs the class path for the prepatch classes related to a given vulnerability. The class path is constructed based on the vulnerability's database ID and top-level directory.
- Parameters
vuln | the Vulnerability object for which to construct the class path |
- Returns
- the class path for the prepatch classes related to the given vulnerability
◆ getDatabasePrepatchSrcPath()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getDatabasePrepatchSrcPath |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
Constructs the source path for the prepatch of a given vulnerability in the database. The source path is formed by concatenating the root database path, prepatch name, vulnerability id, and the inner path of the Java source top level directory of the vulnerability.
- Parameters
- Returns
- the source path for the prepatch of the vulnerability in the database
◆ getJavaSrcTopLevelDir()
This method determines the top level source directory based on the information provided in the VulnerabilityInfo object. If the src_top_level_dir is specified in the object, it is returned. Otherwise, it determines the top level directory based on the build system specified in the object (Maven or Gradle) and the src_classes_dir information. For Maven projects, it checks the target directory to determine the source directory. For Gradle projects, it checks the target directory to determine the source directory. If the build system is not Maven or Gradle, it throws an IllegalStateException.
- Parameters
info | the VulnerabilityInfo object containing the information needed to determine the top level source directory |
- Returns
- the top level source directory based on the provided information
◆ getThirdPartyLibDirsFromPrepatch()
static String[] ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getThirdPartyLibDirsFromPrepatch |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
Retrieves the directories of third-party libraries associated with a given vulnerability from the prepatch directory structure. The method appends the prepatch root, prepatch name, vulnerability database ID, and third-party library directory to each directory path. It then resolves the full path of each directory before returning an array of strings containing the updated directory paths.
- Parameters
vuln | the Vulnerability object for which to retrieve third-party library directories |
- Returns
- an array of strings representing the full paths of third-party library directories
◆ getThirdPartyLibDirsString()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getThirdPartyLibDirsString |
( |
VulnerabilityInfo | info | ) |
static |
Returns a string representation of the third party library directories from the given VulnerabilityInfo object.
- Parameters
- Returns
- a string representation of the third party library directories
◆ getThirdPartySrcDirsFromPrepatch()
static String[] ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getThirdPartySrcDirsFromPrepatch |
( |
Vulnerability | vuln | ) |
static |
Retrieves the third party source directories related to a given vulnerability from the prepatch database. The method constructs the full path for each directory using the database root, prepatch name, vulnerability id, and the directory name. It then resolves the full path to ensure proper formatting before returning an array of the third party source directories.
- Parameters
- Returns
- an array of strings containing the full paths of the third party source directories
◆ getThirdPartySrcDirsString()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.getThirdPartySrcDirsString |
( |
VulnerabilityInfo | info | ) |
static |
This method takes a VulnerabilityInfo object as input and retrieves the third party source directories stored in it. It then calls the buildNewStringArrayCode method to convert the array of directories into a string representation.
- Parameters
- Returns
- a string representation of the third party source directories
◆ isJavaCode()
static boolean ppt4j.util.StringUtils.isJavaCode |
( |
String | line | ) |
static |
Checks if the provided line of text is valid Java code by analyzing its content. Returns true if the line contains valid Java code, and false otherwise.
- Parameters
line | the line of text to check |
- Returns
- true if the line contains valid Java code, false otherwise
◆ isJavaComment()
static boolean ppt4j.util.StringUtils.isJavaComment |
( |
String | line | ) |
static |
Checks if a given line is a Java comment. A Java comment can be either a single line comment starting with "//" or a multi-line comment enclosed in /* * /.
- Parameters
line | the input line to check |
- Returns
- true if the line is a Java comment, false otherwise
◆ isPrimitive()
static boolean ppt4j.util.StringUtils.isPrimitive |
( |
String | type | ) |
static |
Determines if the given type is a primitive data type in Java.
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if the type is a primitive data type, false otherwise
◆ joinArgDesc()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.joinArgDesc |
( |
List< String > | descList | ) |
static |
Concatenates a list of strings to form a single description with parentheses
- Parameters
descList | the list of strings to be concatenated |
- Returns
- a string containing all the descriptions in the list enclosed in parentheses
◆ matchPrefix()
static Main.Command ppt4j.util.StringUtils.matchPrefix |
( |
String | prefix | ) |
static |
Matches a command enum based on the given prefix string. If multiple commands are found with the same prefix, it prints an error message and exits the program. If no commands are found with the prefix, it prints an error message and exits the program.
- Parameters
prefix | the prefix to match the command enum |
- Returns
- the matched command enum
◆ printSet() [1/2]
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.printSet |
( |
Set<?> | set | ) |
static |
This method takes a Set of unknown type elements and returns a String representation of the elements. If the second parameter is set to true, the elements will be printed in a sorted order. If the third parameter is set to true, the elements will be printed in a reversed order.
- Parameters
set | the Set of elements to be printed |
- Returns
- a String representation of the elements in the Set
◆ printSet() [2/2]
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.printSet |
( |
Set<?> | set, |
boolean | emphasizeString, |
boolean | printType ) |
static |
This method takes a Set and options to emphasize strings and print types, and returns a formatted string representation of the elements in the set. If set is empty, it returns "[]". If emphasizeString is true, strings in the set are enclosed in double quotes. If printType is true, the class name of each element is appended after the value.
- Parameters
set | the Set to be printed |
emphasizeString | whether to emphasize strings with double quotes |
printType | whether to print the class name of each element |
- Returns
- a formatted string representation of the elements in the set
◆ resolvePath()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.resolvePath |
( |
String | path | ) |
static |
Resolves the given path by replacing the "~" symbol with the user's home directory.
- Parameters
path | the path to be resolved |
- Returns
- the resolved path with the "~" symbol replaced by the home directory
◆ splitArgDesc()
static String[] ppt4j.util.StringUtils.splitArgDesc |
( |
String | desc | ) |
static |
Splits the argument descriptor of a method description into individual argument descriptors.
- Parameters
desc | the method description containing the argument descriptor |
- Returns
- an array of individual argument descriptors
◆ substringBetween()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.substringBetween |
( |
String | str, |
char | c1, |
char | c2 ) |
static |
Returns the substring of a given string that is between two specified characters.
- Parameters
str | the input string |
c1 | the starting character |
c2 | the ending character |
- Returns
- the substring between the two specified characters, or null if either character is not found
◆ toBytes()
static byte[] ppt4j.util.StringUtils.toBytes |
( |
List< String > | lines | ) |
static |
Converts a list of strings into a byte array. Each string in the list is joined with a newline character ('
') and then converted into bytes.
- Parameters
lines | the list of strings to convert |
- Returns
- a byte array representing the joined strings
◆ toURL()
static URL ppt4j.util.StringUtils.toURL |
( |
String | path | ) |
static |
Converts a given file path or URL string to a URL object. If the path starts with "http://" or "https://", it creates a URL object. Otherwise, it creates a URL object from a File object representing the path.
- Parameters
path | the file path or URL string to convert |
- Returns
- a URL object representing the given path
◆ toWrapperType()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.toWrapperType |
( |
String | type | ) |
static |
Converts a primitive type to its corresponding wrapper class type.
- Parameters
type | the primitive type to convert |
- Returns
- the wrapper class type
◆ trimJavaCodeLine()
static String ppt4j.util.StringUtils.trimJavaCodeLine |
( |
String | codeLine | ) |
static |
Trims a line of Java code by removing comments, leading and trailing whitespace, and removing the opening curly brace if it is the last character.
- Parameters
codeLine | the line of Java code to be trimmed |
- Returns
- the trimmed version of the input code line
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