◆ dump()
default void ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.dump |
( |
String | path | ) |
Serializes the current object and writes it to the specified file path.
- Parameters
path | the file path where the serialized object will be written |
◆ getClassesTopLevelDir()
String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getClassesTopLevelDir |
( |
| ) |
This method returns the top-level directory where all the classes are located.
- Returns
- the top-level directory where all the classes are located
◆ getCVEId()
default String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getCVEId |
( |
| ) |
This method returns the CVE ID of the current class by retrieving the value specified in the Database annotation associated with the class.
- Returns
- the CVE ID of the current class
◆ getDatabaseId()
default int ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getDatabaseId |
( |
| ) |
This method retrieves the database id associated with the current class by getting the Database annotation and returning its id.
- Returns
- the database id as an integer
◆ getDiffUrl()
default String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getDiffUrl |
( |
| ) |
This method constructs a URL that links to the diff of the commit associated with the patch. It concatenates the repository URL, the commit hash of the patch, and the file extension ".diff".
- Returns
- the URL string pointing to the diff of the commit associated with the patch
◆ getIgnoredFilePatterns()
default String[] ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getIgnoredFilePatterns |
( |
| ) |
Returns an array of file patterns that are ignored during file processing. These patterns include files with names containing "Test", "Issue", files in src/test directory, and package-info.java files.
- Returns
- an array of ignored file patterns
◆ getJavaSrcTopLevelDir()
String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getJavaSrcTopLevelDir |
( |
| ) |
This method retrieves the top-level directory where the Java source files are located.
- Returns
- the top-level directory path for Java source files
◆ getPatchCommitHash()
String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getPatchCommitHash |
( |
| ) |
This method returns the commit hash of the latest patch applied to the software. It retrieves the commit hash from a designated source, such as a version control system.
- Returns
- The commit hash of the latest patch applied to the software.
◆ getProjectName()
default String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getProjectName |
( |
| ) |
This method retrieves the project name from the repository URL by extracting the substring that comes after the last occurrence of the '/' character in the URL.
- Returns
- the project name extracted from the repository URL
◆ getRepoUrl()
String ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getRepoUrl |
( |
| ) |
This method returns the URL of the repository. The URL is typically used to access the repository for various operations such as cloning, fetching, and pushing.
- Returns
- the URL of the repository
◆ getRequiredFilePatterns()
default String[] ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getRequiredFilePatterns |
( |
| ) |
Returns an array of required file patterns. These patterns are used to filter files based on their names. This method specifically returns a pattern for Java files.
- Returns
- an array of required file patterns
◆ getThirdPartyLibDirs()
default String[] ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getThirdPartyLibDirs |
( |
| ) |
This method returns an array of directories where third-party libraries are stored. Since there are no third-party libraries by default, an empty array is returned.
- Returns
- an array of directories where third-party libraries are stored
◆ getThirdPartySrcDirs()
default String[] ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.getThirdPartySrcDirs |
( |
| ) |
This method returns an array of third party source directories.
- Returns
- an array of strings representing third party source directories
◆ load()
static Vulnerability ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.load |
( |
String | path | ) |
static |
Loads a Vulnerability object from the specified file path using deserialization.
- Parameters
- Returns
- the deserialized Vulnerability object
◆ shouldScanAllModules()
default boolean ppt4j.database.Vulnerability.shouldScanAllModules |
( |
| ) |
This method determines whether all modules should be scanned.
- Returns
- false indicating that not all modules should be scanned
The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: