◆ getArrayType()
static String ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.getArrayType |
( |
int | operand | ) |
static |
Returns the string representation of an array type based on the given operand.
- Parameters
operand | the operand representing the array type |
- Returns
- the string representation of the array type
- Exceptions
IllegalArgumentException | if the operand does not represent an array type |
◆ getConst()
static Object ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.getConst |
( |
int | opcode | ) |
static |
Returns the constant value associated with the given opcode.
- Parameters
- Returns
- the constant value based on the opcode
- Exceptions
IllegalArgumentException | if the opcode does not correspond to a known constant |
◆ getShiftType()
static Features.InstType ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.getShiftType |
( |
int | opcode | ) |
static |
This method takes an opcode as input and returns the corresponding shift type from the Features.InstType enum.
- Parameters
opcode | the opcode representing the type of shift operation |
- Returns
- the shift type corresponding to the given opcode
- Exceptions
IllegalArgumentException | if the opcode is not a valid shift opcode |
◆ hasLineNumberInfo()
static boolean ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.hasLineNumberInfo |
( |
MethodNode | m | ) |
static |
Checks if the given MethodNode contains any LineNumberNode instructions, which provide information about the source code line numbers associated with the instructions.
- Parameters
m | the MethodNode to check for LineNumberNode instructions |
- Returns
- true if the MethodNode contains at least one LineNumberNode instruction, false otherwise
◆ isAbstract()
static boolean ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.isAbstract |
( |
int | access | ) |
static |
Checks if the provided access modifier integer represents an abstract type.
- Parameters
access | the access modifier integer to check |
- Returns
- true if the access modifier represents an abstract type, false otherwise
◆ isConstOp()
static boolean ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.isConstOp |
( |
int | opcode | ) |
static |
Checks if the given opcode represents a constant operation in bytecode instructions. Constant operations include loading the constants 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1 for integers, 0, 1 for longs, 0, 1, 2 for floats, and 0, 1 for doubles.
- Parameters
opcode | the opcode value to check |
- Returns
- true if the opcode represents a constant operation, false otherwise
◆ isNative()
static boolean ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.isNative |
( |
int | access | ) |
static |
This method checks if the given access flags include the ACC_NATIVE flag, which indicates that a method is native.
- Parameters
access | the access flags to check |
- Returns
- true if the ACC_NATIVE flag is present in the access flags, false otherwise
◆ isReturnOp()
static boolean ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.isReturnOp |
( |
int | opcode | ) |
static |
Checks if the given opcode corresponds to a return instruction in bytecode.
- Parameters
opcode | the opcode to check |
- Returns
- true if the opcode is a return instruction, false otherwise
◆ isShiftOp()
static boolean ppt4j.util.AsmUtils.isShiftOp |
( |
int | opcode | ) |
static |
Checks if the given opcode represents a shift operation.
- Parameters
opcode | the opcode to check |
- Returns
- true if the opcode is a shift operation, false otherwise
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